just one more person in this big world

My Sect
Just Muslim
My Profession
Computer Professional
Marital Status
Never married
Texas, Dallas
United States
Registration Reason
I'm registering to find myself a partner
A Little Bit About Me
Hello my name is Felipe, I want you to know first of all that Islam is my way of life and I try to do my best everyday to live as Allah wants me to live, I?m not going to say that I am a perfect Muslim but I want to be the best person possible and I want to continue to learn and grow in my faith in Islam. I want to tell you some about my hobbies too. I enjoy working out and doing anything outside, cycling is a big part of my life (but nowhere near as BIG as Islam), I want to be a professional cyclist!! I also love camping, hiking, fishing, fitness, watching movies, and any outdoors activities, I like going out with friends too; I really enjoy anything that is thrilling and spontaneous, but at the same time I know how to be calm and relaxed too, I am always honest with people and I believe lying is wrong and I expect people to treat me with the same respect that I treat them with. I love to build computer's and help people solve their computer problems and I'm also a good listener if you have an other kind of problems you need help with so long as you don't start freaking out :p just kidding! I'm energetic, outgoing and open-minded. I love to have deep conversations about life and the mysteries of our minds see life from where they stand. I will be just about anyone's friend. I am really active; I am always trying to find new ways to make myself stronger in body, mind, and spirit and of course in my faith. I want you to know that I am very sincere about my intentions. I don?t want to play game. I want to love someone and give my whole life and all my heart to that special someone. I also want you to know that Family is something I take VERY seriously and I want both my family and the family of my future wife to be a part of what we will do as a couple (I?m not saying control us, just to stand by us in our choice) I want my future wife to accept me and also for her family to accept me as well Just a little FYI I do know how to cook and clean and I know how to be self sufficient, but I am not perfect. I'm not so good with a cloths iron.. ^_^ If you like what you hear look me up. If you have any questions just ask me!

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What I Am Looking For
I'm looking for someone who will love me and respect me for the person I am. I want to treat her like she is my princess and my whole world too. I want to be with someone who I can care for and protect, because I truly believe that a woman is like a princess jewel that must be protected with all your heart and soul. I'm not a shallow person, but I will say that I really long hair for me it makes a women look so beautiful and I would say I definitely love the way her eyes look too, I want to find someone who can have fun with me and we can go out to dinner and do anything we want without any worries, but of course I know there are limits to everything and I do respect women and I would never disrespect anyone. I know that these days a women wants to be independent and I think that is great too, but like I said before I want to be able to take care of girl in my life, give her what she needs and be there for her for anything she might need but at the same time I will of course let her be the person she wants to be without making her feel like she has to obey me or follow everything I say, because I was taught to respect a women as my equal and to see her as my partner and not my slave or a servant because in my world it doesn't work that way. I also want to make her feel like she is a real princess and show her that my heart truly belongs to her. And last BUT not least I want to find someone who will always be willing to help me grow in my faith and support me in my faith in Islam and also let me help her too of course. I promise you will NOT be disappointed.

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Personal Information
My Citizenship
Country of Origin
United States
Willing to Relocate?
I am Looking to Marry
My Income
Prefer not to say
Marital Status
Never married
Would I like to have Children?
Do I have children?
My Living Arrangements?
I Live With Family
United States
Texas, Dallas
My Height
1.63m (5' 4")
My Build
My Hair Colour
Colour of My Eyes
Do I Smoke?
Do I Have Any Disabilities?
My Education Level
Subject I Studied
Computer Maintenance Technology
My First Language
My Second Language
My Profession
Computer Professional
My Job Title
Computer Technician
My Sect
Just Muslim
Are You a Revert?
Do You Keep Halal?
I Always Keep Halal
Do You Perform Salaah?